Thursday, December 8, 2011

A alternative look to the Pai Inácio Hill, Chapada Diamantina

Chapada Diamantina has breathtaking landscapes. The Pai Inácio Hill, and the views from its summit, definitely is one of the most popular (see a related post). The easy access to the summit and its location near a big paved road makes it a busy place sometimes.

But there are other ways of seeing this beautiful hill. Among the trails leaving Lençóis to the Pai Inácio Hill the easiest goes through the neighborhood of Barro Branco and afterwards through the upper Mandassaia River valley. From this trail one has a good view of the hill as one goes up a very gentle slope of rocky ground, among a luxuriant vegetation of bromeliads, cactuses and small flowering bushes. Definitely, a very pleasant trekking and an alternative to more popular views of the Pai Inácio.