Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Outdoor experiences at Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil.

So far Bahia, Brazil, mainly its capital Salvador, is most known for its beaches, the Pelourinho Square, Capoeira and Carnival. But if you go eastward through the BR-242 road, about 400 km from Salvador, some Sierras and high plateaus will, for sure, take your attention.
The highlands of Bahia, the Chapada Diamantina, are among the most scenic places in Brazil. The rough landscape and the plethora of waterfalls, canyons and vegetation types makes it a perfect place for the practice of outdoor activities like trekking, hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, rappelling, cycling or simply the contemplation of nature. Among its famous touristic attractions are the Fumaça Waterfall (Photo). The climate at the region is mild comparing to the surrounding region but can feel hot enough, most in the summer, for people not used to brazilian temperatures. The koeppen classification is Cwb which means a temperate climate with dry winters. 
If you are tired of the agitation in Salvador or just have a passion for outdoor experiences, there is the place to go. Its main cities are Lençóis, Palmeiras, Andaraí, Mucugê and more to the south, Ibicoara, Rio de Contas e Jussiape among others. All offer some infra structure for tourism. These cities are very tourist friendly but the logistics are not the same in all of them. To date Lençóis has more options for lodging and eating, as well as for guides and tourism agencies.

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